7  Validación de Modelos

7.1 Práctico

7.1.1 Explorar datos

Lectura de Datos

data <- read.table('data/Pantanillos.txt', header = T, sep = '')
744797.3 6071183 -35.473 -72.302 164.649 43 29 23 57 26 15 83.854 -0.004 -4.548 0.425 0.321 6.546 472.423 17.106
745007.3 6071183 -35.473 -72.300 88.663 48 36 37 66 53 32 109.035 -9.390 -29.607 0.282 0.141 17.793 491.138 2.838
744587.3 6071243 -35.472 -72.304 127.707 42 31 22 54 29 17 82.817 -2.611 -8.038 0.421 0.306 10.933 466.259 9.288
744797.3 6071363 -35.471 -72.302 203.209 43 29 23 62 28 15 87.794 3.431 -5.745 0.459 0.338 15.306 497.456 13.273
745007.3 6071363 -35.471 -72.300 101.979 43 33 24 84 40 20 108.640 15.278 -15.202 0.556 0.347 28.135 471.417 12.141
744587.3 6071423 -35.471 -72.304 185.372 44 29 22 53 27 16 81.422 -2.956 -5.942 0.413 0.308 18.362 484.353 9.874

Filtrar los datos

data2 <- data[,-c(1:4)]
164.649 43 29 23 57 26 15 83.854 -0.004 -4.548 0.425 0.321 6.546 472.423 17.106
88.663 48 36 37 66 53 32 109.035 -9.390 -29.607 0.282 0.141 17.793 491.138 2.838
127.707 42 31 22 54 29 17 82.817 -2.611 -8.038 0.421 0.306 10.933 466.259 9.288
203.209 43 29 23 62 28 15 87.794 3.431 -5.745 0.459 0.338 15.306 497.456 13.273
101.979 43 33 24 84 40 20 108.640 15.278 -15.202 0.556 0.347 28.135 471.417 12.141
185.372 44 29 22 53 27 16 81.422 -2.956 -5.942 0.413 0.308 18.362 484.353 9.874

Histograma de variable respuesta

# histograma de variable respuesta

7.2 Definición de Funciones

Función para scatterplot

# funcion para scatterplot
plot_prediction <- function(obs, pred, main=''){
  x <- cbind(obs, pred)
  plot(x, xlab = 'Biomasa observada [kg m-2]', ylab = 'Biomasa predicha [kg m-2]', pch=16, las=1,
       xlim = c(min(x), max(x)), ylim = c(min(x), max(x)), main=main, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), cex=1.5)
  abline(0,1, lty=2)
  lm <- lm(pred ~ obs-1)
  legend('topleft', legend=c('Linea 1:1', 'Linea ajustada'), lty=c(1,2), bty = 'n')
  # agregar metricas de ajuste de modelo
  r2 <- round( (cor(pred, obs)^2), 2) # solo dos decimales con funcion round
  NRMSE <- round((sqrt(mean((obs - pred)^2))/(max(obs) - min(obs))) * 100, 2) # RMSE normalizado
  bias = round( (1-coef(lm))*-1, 2)
  mtext(bquote(paste(r^2 == .(r2), ",", " %RMSE" == .(NRMSE), "%", ",", " bias" ==
                       .(bias))), side = 3, line = 0.5, adj = 0, font = 2)

Visualización de Residuos

plot_residuos <- function(res, pred, main='Modelo'){
  plot(pred, res, xlab = 'Biomasa predicha [kg m-2]', ylab = 'Residuos [kg m-2]', pch=16, las=1,
       main=main, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), cex=1.5)
  abline(h=0, lty=2)
  qqline(res, lty=2)

7.3 Analisis

7.3.1 Análisis de Significancia de Corrección

corr <- cor(data2)
testRes = cor.mtest(data2, conf.level = 0.95) # matriz con valores de p
corrplot(corr, p.mat = testRes$p, type = 'lower', diag = FALSE) # X a las no sign. con p > 0.05

cor(data2) # mejor variable segun cor es one_mean
            BIOMAS         TM1        TM2         TM3         TM4        TM5
BIOMAS  1.00000000 -0.31361610 -0.3657966 -0.27179254 -0.46393079 -0.3594047
TM1    -0.31361610  1.00000000  0.9620088  0.95921101  0.09765849  0.9063002
TM2    -0.36579661  0.96200881  1.0000000  0.96123400  0.22164639  0.9364134
TM3    -0.27179254  0.95921101  0.9612340  1.00000000  0.04443123  0.9426152
TM4    -0.46393079  0.09765849  0.2216464  0.04443123  1.00000000  0.1900475
TM5    -0.35940473  0.90630018  0.9364134  0.94261521  0.19004752  1.0000000
TM7    -0.29321630  0.92326124  0.9328171  0.96913153  0.04712320  0.9762178
BRIGHT -0.46834630  0.87680231  0.9366557  0.87721991  0.50462364  0.9265610
GREEN   0.06247448 -0.84581862 -0.7924929 -0.89542924  0.39613113 -0.7977948
MOIST   0.32239600 -0.89367594 -0.9159402 -0.94344351 -0.10547874 -0.9939164
NDVI    0.11752383 -0.87593057 -0.8298394 -0.93068575  0.31098157 -0.8262571
NDVIC   0.27767911 -0.91453558 -0.8983385 -0.95949090  0.08793446 -0.9193543
PEND    0.10787286 -0.29088550 -0.2667467 -0.30306962  0.05054119 -0.1913806
ALT     0.06590560 -0.34638456 -0.2674291 -0.30541545  0.01988928 -0.2707978
H       0.60544860 -0.47942172 -0.4819355 -0.43697984 -0.31427651 -0.4823196
              TM7     BRIGHT       GREEN      MOIST       NDVI       NDVIC
BIOMAS -0.2932163 -0.4683463  0.06247448  0.3223960  0.1175238  0.27767911
TM1     0.9232612  0.8768023 -0.84581862 -0.8936759 -0.8759306 -0.91453558
TM2     0.9328171  0.9366557 -0.79249292 -0.9159402 -0.8298394 -0.89833845
TM3     0.9691315  0.8772199 -0.89542924 -0.9434435 -0.9306857 -0.95949090
TM4     0.0471232  0.5046236  0.39613113 -0.1054787  0.3109816  0.08793446
TM5     0.9762178  0.9265610 -0.79779485 -0.9939164 -0.8262571 -0.91935429
TM7     1.0000000  0.8752779 -0.88290983 -0.9885743 -0.8979835 -0.94375520
BRIGHT  0.8752779  1.0000000 -0.59146405 -0.8891844 -0.6518289 -0.79086476
GREEN  -0.8829098 -0.5914641  1.00000000  0.8369327  0.9869514  0.92129745
MOIST  -0.9885743 -0.8891844  0.83693272  1.0000000  0.8556265  0.92978569
NDVI   -0.8979835 -0.6518289  0.98695136  0.8556265  1.0000000  0.95917534
NDVIC  -0.9437552 -0.7908648  0.92129745  0.9297857  0.9591753  1.00000000
PEND   -0.2282007 -0.2052176  0.27841863  0.1905210  0.3166394  0.28910470
ALT    -0.2832766 -0.2524166  0.28856127  0.2690036  0.3035372  0.30633676
H      -0.4304685 -0.5347813  0.27232831  0.4517838  0.3362205  0.46368280
              PEND         ALT           H
BIOMAS  0.10787286  0.06590560  0.60544860
TM1    -0.29088550 -0.34638456 -0.47942172
TM2    -0.26674670 -0.26742907 -0.48193548
TM3    -0.30306962 -0.30541545 -0.43697984
TM4     0.05054119  0.01988928 -0.31427651
TM5    -0.19138064 -0.27079776 -0.48231958
TM7    -0.22820067 -0.28327655 -0.43046847
BRIGHT -0.20521762 -0.25241661 -0.53478130
GREEN   0.27841863  0.28856127  0.27232831
MOIST   0.19052104  0.26900363  0.45178385
NDVI    0.31663942  0.30353719  0.33622053
NDVIC   0.28910470  0.30633676  0.46368280
PEND    1.00000000  0.19853031  0.38709465
ALT     0.19853031  1.00000000  0.07529796
H       0.38709465  0.07529796  1.00000000

7.3.2 Validación Cruzada

# separar en set de validacion y entrenamiento: Validacion cruzada simple!
idx <- createDataPartition(data2$BIOMAS, p = 0.6, list = F)
[1] 56
idx %>% head()
[1,]         1
[2,]         5
[3,]         8
[4,]         9
[5,]        11
[6,]        12
# 91*0.6 --> 54.6

# particionar los datos usando los datos generados
entrenar <- data2[idx,  ] # 60% de los datos 
validar  <- data2[-idx, ] # 40% de los datos

7.4 Regresiones

7.4.1 Regresiones Simples

lm1 <- lm(BIOMAS ~ H, data = entrenar)

lm(formula = BIOMAS ~ H, data = entrenar)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-161.91  -31.59  -12.85   18.43  206.26 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   32.623     11.265   2.896  0.00545 ** 
H              6.921      1.430   4.840 1.12e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 56.64 on 54 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3026,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2897 
F-statistic: 23.43 on 1 and 54 DF,  p-value: 1.125e-05

Referecias para explicar los modelos en R: (“Explaining the Lm() Summary in RLearn by Marketing n.d.)

effect_plot(lm1, pred = H, interval = TRUE, plot.points = TRUE, 
            jitter = 0.05)

lm2 <- glm(BIOMAS ~ H, data = entrenar, family = Gamma(link = "log"))

glm(formula = BIOMAS ~ H, family = Gamma(link = "log"), data = entrenar)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.8159  -0.8806  -0.1909   0.3185   2.1156  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  3.58884    0.17418  20.605  < 2e-16 ***
H            0.09849    0.02211   4.456 4.25e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.7669877)

    Null deviance: 58.130  on 55  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 43.909  on 54  degrees of freedom
AIC: 580.9

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7
effect_plot(lm2, pred = H, interval = TRUE, plot.points = TRUE, 
            jitter = 0.05)

7.4.2 Regresión Multiple

## Regression multiple con todas las variables -----------------------------
lm3 <- lm(BIOMAS ~., data = entrenar)

lm(formula = BIOMAS ~ ., data = entrenar)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-100.67  -31.30   -8.14   21.58  182.80 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  4.993e+02  5.815e+02   0.859    0.395
TM1          9.320e+00  2.906e+01   0.321    0.750
TM2          1.533e+01  2.822e+01   0.543    0.590
TM3          1.866e+01  3.699e+01   0.504    0.617
TM4         -4.582e+00  3.919e+01  -0.117    0.908
TM5         -1.410e+00  3.274e+01  -0.043    0.966
TM7         -3.049e+00  2.650e+01  -0.115    0.909
BRIGHT      -1.498e+01  5.023e+01  -0.298    0.767
GREEN        2.388e+01  4.312e+01   0.554    0.583
MOIST       -1.232e+01  4.067e+01  -0.303    0.764
NDVI        -1.204e+03  1.728e+03  -0.697    0.490
NDVIC        1.213e+03  8.425e+02   1.440    0.157
PEND        -2.048e-01  1.008e+00  -0.203    0.840
ALT          1.759e-02  1.066e-01   0.165    0.870
H            3.802e+00  2.285e+00   1.664    0.104

Residual standard error: 57.21 on 41 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4599,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2755 
F-statistic: 2.494 on 14 and 41 DF,  p-value: 0.01162
effect_plot(lm3, pred = H, interval = TRUE, plot.points = TRUE, 
            jitter = 0.05)

lm4 <- glm(BIOMAS ~., data = entrenar, family = Gamma(link = log))

glm(formula = BIOMAS ~ ., family = Gamma(link = log), data = entrenar)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.4922  -0.7954  -0.1666   0.4182   1.5964  

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)  11.099546   9.159715   1.212   0.2325  
TM1           0.437576   0.457743   0.956   0.3447  
TM2           0.384137   0.444555   0.864   0.3926  
TM3           0.448039   0.582720   0.769   0.4464  
TM4          -0.035895   0.617363  -0.058   0.9539  
TM5           0.027237   0.515759   0.053   0.9581  
TM7          -0.018001   0.417409  -0.043   0.9658  
BRIGHT       -0.503779   0.791271  -0.637   0.5279  
GREEN         0.627758   0.679168   0.924   0.3607  
MOIST        -0.271592   0.640674  -0.424   0.6738  
NDVI        -20.985287  27.223143  -0.771   0.4452  
NDVIC        15.108460  13.270804   1.138   0.2615  
PEND          0.001204   0.015875   0.076   0.9399  
ALT          -0.001040   0.001679  -0.619   0.5391  
H             0.080295   0.035993   2.231   0.0312 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.8120839)

    Null deviance: 58.13  on 55  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 36.52  on 41  degrees of freedom
AIC: 595.41

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 14
effect_plot(lm4, pred = H, interval = TRUE, plot.points = TRUE, 
            jitter = 0.05)

7.4.3 Regresión multiple con seleccion de variables stepwise

Utilizando train() utilizanndo el método “lmStepAIC”, que va a buscar las conbinaciones de modelos lineales, simples, luego con dos, tres, etc., bajo el criterio AIC . (Kuhn n.d.)

lm5 <- train(BIOMAS ~., data = entrenar, method = "lmStepAIC")

El objeto caret lm5 guarda perfectamente cual es el mejor modelo, y se puede usar directamente para predecir, etc. Pero no se lleva bein caret con las funciones anova, AIC, así que vamos a usar las mejores variables y a hacer otro modelo

lm5 <- lm(BIOMAS ~ TM3 + BRIGHT + NDVIC + H, data = entrenar)

lm(formula = BIOMAS ~ TM3 + BRIGHT + NDVIC + H, data = entrenar)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-99.37 -30.51 -13.02  21.00 181.98 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)  105.909    147.888   0.716  0.47717   
TM3           10.183      4.256   2.393  0.02045 * 
BRIGHT        -4.611      1.340  -3.441  0.00116 **
NDVIC        487.008    305.084   1.596  0.11660   
H              3.954      1.717   2.303  0.02538 * 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 52.46 on 51 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.435, Adjusted R-squared:  0.3907 
F-statistic: 9.818 on 4 and 51 DF,  p-value: 5.74e-06
effect_plot(lm5, pred = H, interval = TRUE, plot.points = TRUE, 
            jitter = 0.05)

Family: Gamma(link = log)

lm6 <- train(BIOMAS ~., data = entrenar, method = "glmStepAIC", family = Gamma(link = log))
lm6 <- glm(BIOMAS ~ TM3 + BRIGHT + H, data = entrenar, family = Gamma(link = "log"))

effect_plot(lm6, pred = H, interval = TRUE, plot.points = TRUE, 
            jitter = 0.05)

7.5 Información de modelos


lm(formula = BIOMAS ~ H, data = entrenar)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-161.91  -31.59  -12.85   18.43  206.26 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   32.623     11.265   2.896  0.00545 ** 
H              6.921      1.430   4.840 1.12e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 56.64 on 54 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3026,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2897 
F-statistic: 23.43 on 1 and 54 DF,  p-value: 1.125e-05

glm(formula = BIOMAS ~ H, family = Gamma(link = "log"), data = entrenar)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.8159  -0.8806  -0.1909   0.3185   2.1156  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  3.58884    0.17418  20.605  < 2e-16 ***
H            0.09849    0.02211   4.456 4.25e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.7669877)

    Null deviance: 58.130  on 55  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 43.909  on 54  degrees of freedom
AIC: 580.9

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7

lm(formula = BIOMAS ~ ., data = entrenar)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-100.67  -31.30   -8.14   21.58  182.80 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  4.993e+02  5.815e+02   0.859    0.395
TM1          9.320e+00  2.906e+01   0.321    0.750
TM2          1.533e+01  2.822e+01   0.543    0.590
TM3          1.866e+01  3.699e+01   0.504    0.617
TM4         -4.582e+00  3.919e+01  -0.117    0.908
TM5         -1.410e+00  3.274e+01  -0.043    0.966
TM7         -3.049e+00  2.650e+01  -0.115    0.909
BRIGHT      -1.498e+01  5.023e+01  -0.298    0.767
GREEN        2.388e+01  4.312e+01   0.554    0.583
MOIST       -1.232e+01  4.067e+01  -0.303    0.764
NDVI        -1.204e+03  1.728e+03  -0.697    0.490
NDVIC        1.213e+03  8.425e+02   1.440    0.157
PEND        -2.048e-01  1.008e+00  -0.203    0.840
ALT          1.759e-02  1.066e-01   0.165    0.870
H            3.802e+00  2.285e+00   1.664    0.104

Residual standard error: 57.21 on 41 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4599,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2755 
F-statistic: 2.494 on 14 and 41 DF,  p-value: 0.01162

glm(formula = BIOMAS ~ ., family = Gamma(link = log), data = entrenar)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.4922  -0.7954  -0.1666   0.4182   1.5964  

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)  11.099546   9.159715   1.212   0.2325  
TM1           0.437576   0.457743   0.956   0.3447  
TM2           0.384137   0.444555   0.864   0.3926  
TM3           0.448039   0.582720   0.769   0.4464  
TM4          -0.035895   0.617363  -0.058   0.9539  
TM5           0.027237   0.515759   0.053   0.9581  
TM7          -0.018001   0.417409  -0.043   0.9658  
BRIGHT       -0.503779   0.791271  -0.637   0.5279  
GREEN         0.627758   0.679168   0.924   0.3607  
MOIST        -0.271592   0.640674  -0.424   0.6738  
NDVI        -20.985287  27.223143  -0.771   0.4452  
NDVIC        15.108460  13.270804   1.138   0.2615  
PEND          0.001204   0.015875   0.076   0.9399  
ALT          -0.001040   0.001679  -0.619   0.5391  
H             0.080295   0.035993   2.231   0.0312 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.8120839)

    Null deviance: 58.13  on 55  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 36.52  on 41  degrees of freedom
AIC: 595.41

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 14

lm(formula = BIOMAS ~ TM3 + BRIGHT + NDVIC + H, data = entrenar)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-99.37 -30.51 -13.02  21.00 181.98 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)  105.909    147.888   0.716  0.47717   
TM3           10.183      4.256   2.393  0.02045 * 
BRIGHT        -4.611      1.340  -3.441  0.00116 **
NDVIC        487.008    305.084   1.596  0.11660   
H              3.954      1.717   2.303  0.02538 * 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 52.46 on 51 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.435, Adjusted R-squared:  0.3907 
F-statistic: 9.818 on 4 and 51 DF,  p-value: 5.74e-06

glm(formula = BIOMAS ~ TM3 + BRIGHT + H, family = Gamma(link = "log"), 
    data = entrenar)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.7612  -0.7162  -0.1862   0.3547   1.6836  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  6.79928    1.37938   4.929 8.82e-06 ***
TM3          0.05952    0.02484   2.396  0.02021 *  
BRIGHT      -0.04705    0.01781  -2.641  0.01088 *  
H            0.07821    0.02458   3.182  0.00247 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.6614027)

    Null deviance: 58.130  on 55  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 39.293  on 52  degrees of freedom
AIC: 577.95

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6

Plot de diagnostico







7.6 Validación Independientes

7.6.1 Predicción

pred1 <- predict(lm1, validar, type = 'response')
pred2 <- predict(lm2, validar, type = 'response')
pred3 <- predict(lm3, validar, type = 'response')
pred4 <- predict(lm4, validar, type = 'response')
pred5 <- predict(lm5, validar, type = 'response')
pred6 <- predict(lm6, validar, type = 'response')

7.6.2 R^2

postResample(validar$BIOMAS, pred1)
      RMSE   Rsquared        MAE 
44.4093971  0.4945806 36.5128797 
postResample(validar$BIOMAS, pred2)
      RMSE   Rsquared        MAE 
47.5393225  0.4190765 37.4912978 
postResample(validar$BIOMAS, pred3)
      RMSE   Rsquared        MAE 
41.9033685  0.5493197 33.2810130 
postResample(validar$BIOMAS, pred4)
     RMSE  Rsquared       MAE 
51.073834  0.503803 36.899949 
postResample(validar$BIOMAS, pred5)
      RMSE   Rsquared        MAE 
42.2525620  0.5466302 35.0206725 
postResample(validar$BIOMAS, pred6)
      RMSE   Rsquared        MAE 
44.5042861  0.5289186 32.5334253 

7.6.3 Plot de valores predichos vs observados

plot_prediction(validar$BIOMAS, pred1, main='lm simple') # nuestra funcion
plot_prediction(validar$BIOMAS, pred2, main='GLM simple')

plot_prediction(validar$BIOMAS, pred3, main='lm todo')
plot_prediction(validar$BIOMAS, pred4, main='GLM todo')

plot_prediction(validar$BIOMAS, pred5, main='lm seleccion')
plot_prediction(validar$BIOMAS, pred6, main='GLM deleccion')

7.6.4 Residuos

res1 <- validar$BIOMAS - pred1
res2 <- validar$BIOMAS - pred2
res3 <- validar$BIOMAS - pred3
res4 <- validar$BIOMAS - pred4
res5 <- validar$BIOMAS - pred5
res6 <- validar$BIOMAS - pred6

7.6.5 Plot de residuos

Los observados vs los predichos

plot_residuos(res1, pred1) # nuestra funcion

plot_residuos(res2, pred2)

plot_residuos(res3, pred3)

plot_residuos(res4, pred4)

plot_residuos(res5, pred5)

plot_residuos(res6, pred6)

7.6.6 Histrogramas

hist(res1, main = 'lm simple')
hist(res2, main = 'GLM simple')

hist(res3, main = 'lm todo')
hist(res4, main = 'GLM todo')

hist(res5, main = 'lm seleccion')
hist(res6, main = 'GLM seleccion')

7.6.7 Shapiro Test

H0 -> dist. normal H1 -> dist. no normal


    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  res1
W = 0.96422, p-value = 0.3049

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  res2
W = 0.94851, p-value = 0.102

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  res3
W = 0.97745, p-value = 0.6747
shapiro.test(res4) # no normal

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  res4
W = 0.90988, p-value = 0.007368

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  res5
W = 0.97574, p-value = 0.6182
shapiro.test(res6) # no normal

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  res6
W = 0.92007, p-value = 0.01432

7.6.8 Significancia de las diferencias

anova(lm1,lm2,lm3,lm4,lm5, lm6) # diferencias entre gaussianos
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: BIOMAS ~ H
Model 2: BIOMAS ~ H
Model 3: BIOMAS ~ TM1 + TM2 + TM3 + TM4 + TM5 + TM7 + BRIGHT + GREEN + 
Model 4: BIOMAS ~ TM1 + TM2 + TM3 + TM4 + TM5 + TM7 + BRIGHT + GREEN + 
Model 5: BIOMAS ~ TM3 + BRIGHT + NDVIC + H
Model 6: BIOMAS ~ TM3 + BRIGHT + H
  Res.Df    RSS  Df Sum of Sq      F    Pr(>F)    
1     54 173261                                   
2     54     44   0    173217                     
3     41 134181  13   -134137                     
4     41     37   0    134144                     
5     51 140355 -10   -140319 4.2876 0.0004042 ***
6     52     39  -1    140316                     
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Sería al menos 1 es diferentes o significato, no necesariamente es el 5

AIC(lm1, lm2, lm3, lm4, lm5, lm6)
    df      AIC
lm1  3 615.0045
lm2  3 580.9045
lm3 16 626.6902
lm4 16 595.4066
lm5  6 609.2097
lm6  5 577.9501

Se puede estar en desacuerdo con esto, todo depende de su objetivo, el modelo 6 (lm6) es parsimonioso, pero no el que da mejores resultados.

RSS: Df:

7.7 Mejor modelo con re-muestreo

usamos caret para definir un tipo de metodo de re-muestreo para entrenar modelos mas robustos.

savePredictions = TRUE = nos va a guardar los daos internamente en el modelo validacion K-fold, con K=5, y 5 repeticiones aleatoreas

control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", 
                        number = 5, # K
                        repeats = 5, 
                        savePredictions = TRUE)

Usar mejor modelos agregamos el parametro trControl que nos permite pasar la informacion del tipo de vadilacion cruzada a usar todos los datos, no solo los de entrenar, ya que las particiones se hacen internamente.

7.7.1 Entrenar Modelos con cv

Modelos 7

## efecto cantidad de variables en validaciones mas robustas! 
lm7 <- train(BIOMAS ~., 
             method = "glm", 
             data = data2, 
             family = Gamma(link = log),
             trControl = control)


Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.5663  -0.8534  -0.1446   0.3204   1.6855  

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  7.765e+00  5.666e+00   1.370 0.174567    
TM1          4.150e-01  3.397e-01   1.222 0.225644    
TM2          2.603e-01  3.413e-01   0.763 0.448091    
TM3          4.301e-01  4.224e-01   1.018 0.311786    
TM4         -3.962e-01  4.897e-01  -0.809 0.420965    
TM5          1.045e-01  3.933e-01   0.266 0.791257    
TM7          9.071e-02  3.147e-01   0.288 0.773926    
BRIGHT      -2.014e-01  6.218e-01  -0.324 0.746916    
GREEN        8.252e-01  5.001e-01   1.650 0.103039    
MOIST       -7.137e-02  4.807e-01  -0.148 0.882373    
NDVI        -1.987e+01  1.913e+01  -1.039 0.302292    
NDVIC        1.530e+01  1.014e+01   1.508 0.135579    
PEND        -7.538e-03  1.199e-02  -0.629 0.531550    
ALT         -2.434e-04  1.169e-03  -0.208 0.835610    
H            8.856e-02  2.510e-02   3.528 0.000714 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.7076406)

    Null deviance: 95.048  on 90  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 55.750  on 76  degrees of freedom
AIC: 937.46

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 11

Modelo 6

lm8 <- train(BIOMAS ~ TM3 + BRIGHT + H, # los determinados por el train de lm6
             method = "glm", 
             data = data2, 
             family = Gamma(link = log),
             trControl = control)


Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.7172  -0.8079  -0.1219   0.3163   1.8271  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  6.56495    1.02006   6.436 6.46e-09 ***
TM3          0.05896    0.01869   3.154 0.002210 ** 
BRIGHT      -0.04554    0.01333  -3.417 0.000965 ***
H            0.08557    0.01904   4.495 2.14e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.6453826)

    Null deviance: 95.048  on 90  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 61.377  on 87  degrees of freedom
AIC: 925.12

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6

7.7.2 Datos de ajuste internos de cada iteración

        RMSE   Rsquared      MAE   Resample
1   42.08596 0.55062712 34.34071 Fold1.Rep1
2  164.24473 0.11760861 93.04358 Fold2.Rep1
3   62.70291 0.36601711 44.95314 Fold3.Rep1
4   53.79932 0.25253642 39.66982 Fold4.Rep1
5   82.24359 0.20767591 60.84382 Fold5.Rep1
6   64.45791 0.22995763 39.02619 Fold1.Rep2
7  170.00849 0.07854019 82.37425 Fold2.Rep2
8   43.10085 0.42965684 35.63650 Fold3.Rep2
9   39.07610 0.57550108 33.40203 Fold4.Rep2
10  89.18437 0.13761200 72.19029 Fold5.Rep2
11  64.32318 0.54899375 42.86009 Fold1.Rep3
12  73.58456 0.40000220 54.21211 Fold2.Rep3
13  46.76064 0.54345393 38.59701 Fold3.Rep3
14  31.23562 0.64675677 26.76364 Fold4.Rep3
15 158.51760 0.17864936 89.69632 Fold5.Rep3
16 152.52734 0.15959130 77.79163 Fold1.Rep4
17  41.18393 0.48586434 29.45265 Fold2.Rep4
18  61.27450 0.45782888 38.05745 Fold3.Rep4
19  66.67338 0.31925216 49.10811 Fold4.Rep4
20  52.02723 0.48809468 40.18278 Fold5.Rep4
21  48.76703 0.52934030 37.69387 Fold1.Rep5
22  64.96093 0.26812830 45.72222 Fold2.Rep5
23  61.23993 0.39640010 42.70253 Fold3.Rep5
24 110.39498 0.07262132 63.72854 Fold4.Rep5
25  55.79810 0.49990714 41.85867 Fold5.Rep5

7.7.3 Visualización

Visualización de R^2

boxplot(lm7$resample[,2], main ='R2 todo', ylim = c(0,1))
abline(h = median(lm7$resample[,2]), lty = 2, col = "red")
boxplot(lm8$resample[,2], main ='R2 (TM3 + BRIGHT + H)', ylim = c(0,1))
abline(h = median(lm8$resample[,2]), lty = 2, col = "red")

Visualización de RMSE

boxplot(lm7$resample[,1], main ='RMSE todo',  ylim = c(20,120))
abline(h = median(lm7$resample[,1]), lty = 2, col = "red")
boxplot(lm8$resample[,1], main ='RMSE (TM3 + BRIGHT + H)', ylim = c(20,120))
abline(h = median(lm8$resample[,1]), lty = 2, col = "red")

En este caso tenemos una sitribución de datos

7.7.4 Observados vs predichos

# lm7$pred


obs7 <- lm7$pred[,2]
pred7 <- lm7$pred[,1]

plot(obs7, pred7, pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0.5,0,0.3)) # red, green, blue, alpha
abline(0, 1, lty = 2, col = "red") # intercepto, pendiente

lm <- lm(pred7 ~ obs7 - 1)
legend('topleft', legend=c('Linea 1:1', 'Linea ajustada'), lty = c(2,1), 
       col = c("red", "black"), bty = 'n')

obs8 <- lm8$pred[,2]
pred8 <- lm8$pred[,1]

plot(obs8, pred8, pch = 17, col = rgb(0,0,0.5,0.3))
abline(0, 1, lty = 2, col = "red")

lm <- lm(pred8 ~ obs8 - 1)
legend('topleft', legend=c('Linea 1:1', 'Linea ajustada'), lty = c(2,1), 
       col = c("red", "black"), bty = 'n')

EN el Eje x son fijas las predicciones, mientras que en las prediccionesn pueden variar.